
Monopoly Example

This is an example of the game “Monopoly” built with Verbs. All the rules of Monopoly have not been implemented, but many of the basic rules are in place. It’s a good way to see how to use Verbs with a complex set of rules and multiple states interacting at once.

In this example, there are no controllers or Livewire components. Everything is purely in event state. In a real-world application, you would need to implement a way for users to interact with this state—either thru traditional HTTP requests, or a REST API, or with something like Livewire.

How to use this example

Because this example is much more complicated, it's probably best to start by looking at the states first:

  • GameState holds the current status of the game, with information like who is the current active player, and what's the current board and bank look like. There is only one GameState for each game.
  • PlayerState holds the status of a given player. There will be a separate PlayerState instance for each player in the game, and it is used to track things like how much money the player currently has, or which token they're playing with.

After reviewing the game states, the next step is to look at the events that happen when a game is set up. This includes starting the game (setting the initial state of the board and the bank), having players join the game, and then finally, selecting the first player.

Finally, browse through the gameplay events. These cover everything from rolling dice and moving your token, to purchasing a property or paying rent.