

Upgrading to v0.5.1

The structure of the verbs_snapshots table changed after version 0.4.5 to better account for non-Snowflake IDs (like ULIDs/etc). Running migrations should update your tables accordingly:

1php artisan vendor:publish --tag=verbs-migrations
2php artisan migrate

The __verbs_snapshots_pre_050 table

Once you migrate, you will find a new table called __verbs_snapshots_pre_050 which is a copy of the verb_snapshots table as it existed before the migration. Out of an abundance of caution, we are leaving that table as-is for you to delete when you are certain you will not need to downgrade or migrate down.

What changed

Part of the v0.5.x updates includes the following changes to the verb_snapshots table:

  • Adding a new id column that is unique to the snapshot (the ID column had previously been mapped to the state, which caused issues if the different states of different types had the same ID)
  • Replaced the existing id column with a state_id that is not a primary index (allowing non-unique state IDs)
  • Changed the unique index on state_id and type to a regular index to allow for future features that may let you store multiple snapshots per state
  • Added an expires_at column to allow for snapshot purging in the future

For more details about the change, please see the Verbs PR that applied these changes.